Dobele County Museum

  • Working hours
    • 01.01 - 31.12
      • Mon, Sun Non working day
      • Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 11:00 - 18:00
      • Sat 11:00 - 16:00

The Dobele Local History Museum was established in 1985. Its main task consists in researching the history of the city and municipality, promoting the historical heritage, preserving the historical evidence, and identifying local personalities. The museum has a collection of more than 25 thousand items, including household items, photographs, documents, books, items from archaeological excavation sites, as well as written and illustrative materials. The museum regularly holds exhibitions that allow to explore a wide range of themes. The permanent exhibition Once Upon a Time in Dobele …, which is on display at the museum, provides an insight into the history of Dobele. The visitors are free to use the book storage area with over 5000 books on various topics.


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  • Dobele Local History Museum
