Soap Workshop "Ezervanna"

  • Working hours
    • 01.01 - 31.12
      • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
        By prior arrangement

Anna Jurgaite makes her own soap, described by her as ‘soap with character’, from natural materials by adding different kinds of additives, including medicinal herbs grown in her garden or gathered in the neighbourhood. Each piece of soap has its own character, ingredients, shape, and aroma. In her workshop, she makes not only soap but also scrubs, bath additives, facial and body creams, and lip balms. Since the spring of this year, Anna has been also welcoming tourist groups (preferably up to 15 people), demonstrating the soapmaking process, and giving tips for the body care routine. Prior notification is required.

Offer: Visit/tour of the workshop: 
An informative story about the history of the house and "Ezervanna", followed by a visit to the workshop, where soap-making equipment is on display and the soap-making process from the pot to the market table is explained, as well as all sorts of interesting things about and around the use of plants for everyday life and health. You can smell, try and buy everything on the spot.

Possible ways of workshopping and costs for raw materials:
1) Sea salt scrub preparation including essential oils, caring oils and herbs -  (raw material and packaging included).Final product ± 500g of scrub.
2) Body cream masterclass - under the guidance of the hostess, a cream base is prepared, to which each participant adds his/her favourite essential oil(s) (raw material and packaging included). Final product 150 ml body cream.
3) Soap kneading (homemade soap which can be kneaded like clay and after a few weeks of drying hardens into a solid bar of soap) - you can make whatever your heart desires: bunnies, cats, flowers, etc. This workshop can be adapted to the Christmas season - making soap balls that look like Christmas tree baubles. The hostess demonstrates how to make a hanging soap ball/stone on a string. 200 g soap mass and other decorating materials (dried plants, strips, mineral pigments for imprints, salt crystals). This workshop can be adapted to the Christmas season - making soap balls that look like Christmas tree baubles.

For information:

  • Groups of 10 or more must choose one type of workshop.
  • Smaller groups (5-9 persons) can choose 2 types. 
  • Workshop (indoors) for groups of 5 to 15 people.
  • During the warm season outdoor work in the garden or in the shed/outhouse, we can also accept larger groups of up to 30 people.

    "Priedaiņi" is located near the village of Biksti, in a quiet, picturesque location. There is a beautiful garden with two ponds.

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