Flower Fun in Penkule

Every morning, the birds on the homestead Lielkuģi in Penkule wake the beautiful burnet rose, followed by poppies, peonies, phloxes, roses, catmints, valerians, meadow-rues, day lilies, hostas, different kinds of garden and meadow flowers, various grass types, trees, and shrubs. Flowers have been blooming in Lielkuģi since the ancient times, the burnet rose being one of them. As for the enthusiasm of growing flowers, the hostess has her neighbour to thank for that. It all started with a few winter greens as a gift from the neighbour, which eventually turned into a healthy addiction. At first, the hostess created a small flower bed near the house where some of these winter greens were planted. Currently, she is trying to cover the homestead territory of 2 ha and to create a landscape by planting not only flowers but also trees and shrubs. Gardening is her meditation and hobby.


