The Dobele Liberation Monument

The Dobele Liberation Monument was put up in memory of those soldiers who lost their lives during the World War I and Latvia’s freedom battles. Sculptor Kārlis Zemdega designed the Dobele Liberation Monument as a two-figure composition where the ancient Latvian soldier symbolises the strength of the nation, while the Latvian countrywoman – the image of the Motherland – represents the ideal of spiritual clarity. The monument was inaugurated on 9 June 1940 at the place of the current memorial to Soviet soldiers at Brīvības iela where the Dobele Liberation Monument was located until 1950 when it was demolished on the orders of the Soviet authorities. The restored monument was created by sculptor Inta Berga and stonemason Libērijs Peļņa. This time, the granite slab was brought from Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. The funding to restore the monument came from donations by the local residents of Dobele, and it was inaugurated for the second time in 1996 on the square across the Dobele Castle ruins.

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  • Dobele Liberation Monument

