The bridge over the River Bērze at Brīvības iela below the Dobele Castle ruins is a strategically important urban object without which the daily life of the residents of Dobele would be unimaginable, as it is the only road bridge connecting both city parts on both sides of the River Bērze. It is no less important for those who wish to travel from the centre of Dobele to Tērvete, Bauska, Saldus, or Liepāja. Initially, there used to be a cable ferry at the river. Later, in the early 19th century, a wooden bridge was built. However, it had been much lower than the present bridge. The present bridge was built a little to the right of the place where the old wooden bridge used to be, as evidenced by the narrow paved street at the end of Viestura iela on the left bank of the river. The length of the bridge is 45 metres but its width – 10 metres.
